Okay, this is my official announcement to the world of my next venture into insanity. After years of dreaming about it, reading about it and talking about it, the time has come to put up or shut up. “It” in this case is the Tour Divide, a 2745 mile mountain bike race from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico along the Adventure Cycling Association’s Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Unlike most long bike races, this one is a single stage with no support vehicles, no authorized feeding stations, no cheering crowds, just the riders, their bikes, and the gear they need to survive the ride.
I am riding in the 2013 race, which is the year I will turn 50. Seems like an appropriate way to celebrate surviving half a century in this crazy world. This gives me 18 months, a short year and a half, to prepare myself physically and mentally. I will be racing alone, but already a number of people have stepped up to help get me ready to roll up to the start line.
First of course is my wife, Shelley, for supporting me in whatever crazy notion I come up with, and this one especially. Planning, preparing for and executing a ride like this is not cheap in terms of money or time, and she is unstintingly allowing me what I need of both to make this a success. My boss, Mike, and the management of Sunstone Circuits for allowing me to schedule a big chunk of vacation time out this far, and for being the sort of company that supports chasing a dream like this. Tank and Brian of Brihop Coaching are faced with the task of teaching a middle aged bike nut how to ride both hard enough and smart enough to make completion a reality. Eric and Aaron, owner and mechanic at the Sellwood Bike Commuter belongs on the early thank you list as well. When I stopped by his shop to ask about availibity of one of the bikes that were on my list of potential steeds for the race, Erik, more than anyone in any of the shops I visited, got excited about the idea and immediately wanted to get involved. I will be riding a nicer bike than I thought I could afford thanks to his support and the added support he procured from Redline Bikes.
As the preparation progresses, there will be more people to thank, and I will be able to tell more about what they have done for me. For now, here are a few links to more information on the race and my supporters. You read, I’m going to go ride!
The race website: http://tourdivide.org/
My bike shop sponsor: http://www.pdxbikecommuter.com/
Brihop Coaching: http://brihopcoaching.com/
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